Sex Reassignment Surgery is also called "gender reassignment surgery" (GRS) or "gender confirming surgery." This surgery is performed for people who feel that their gender identity conflicts with their biological sex. Patients may choose this surgery for several reasons. Many who decide to undergo this surgery struggle with their identity not matching the appearance of their body. This is called physical dysphoria. Social dysphoria involves a person struggling with the perception of others concerning their gender.
FTM patients (females to male patients) will undergo Top surgery. Top surgery consists of removing the tissue and fat from the breast and contouring the chest to appear more masculine. The type incision used to perform Top surgery depends on the patient's skin elasticity and the size of the patient's breast. The periareolar incision is most often a choice for moderately sized breasts with good skin elasticity.
The double incision with free nipple grafts is used for patients with inelastic breast skin or saggy breast. Excess breast tissue, fat and skin are removed. The patient's original nipples are removed, trimmed and grafted onto their chest into the proper position. Depending on how much breast tissue is removed and your surgeon or doctor's recommendations mammograms may no longer be required after this surgery.
The FDA has approved semi-solid implants that are inserted through small incisions the surgeon makes in the armpits. This gives patients a well proportioned, muscular upper body that is long lasting and appears natural.
Liposuction is used to masculinize the body by removing fat from the hips, thighs, and abdomen to eliminate feminine curves.
Many surgeons have requirements for this surgery such as;
- A letter from your Gender Therapist, Psychiatrist, Primary Care Physician or Psychiatrist.
- History of Hormone Replacement Therapy (depending on surgery being performed.)
- Normal baseline mammogram
- Medical clearance from your Primary Care Physician
MTF patients (male to female patients) Breast Augmentation is performed by the surgeon to give the transgender patient a more feminine appearance. Transgender patients usually receive breast augmentation when hormone replacement therapy was unsuccessful.
This surgery involves placing breast implants under the breast tissue or under the chest muscles. This surgery is popular for enhancing breast size, or reconstruction of the breast after a mastectomy or other medical condition.
There are three types of breast implants:
- Saline implants, sacs filled with saline (also known as salt water).
- Silicone implants, sacs filled with silicone.
- New silicone implants, called "Gummy Bear implants" have been developed and designed to reduce the risk of rupture.
This surgery may be performed at an outpatient surgery center or in a hospital. The surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia. General anesthesia allows you to be asleep. This surgery can also be performed using a local anesthesia and numbing medication that will numb your breast, block the pain and allow you to remain awake during the surgery.
Whichever implant you choose, there are different ways they can be placed. Check out our blog, titled "Breast Augmentation" for more detailed information about this surgery.
MTF patients may elect to have the Brazilian Butt Lift to give their derriere the feminine curves they desire while removing unwanted excess fat from the surrounding areas.
MTF patients may also have a rhinoplasty to achieve a narrower, more feminine nose. See our blog, titled "Rhinoplasty."
FTM and MTF patients may both seek other facial surgeries to achieve the facial features that best match their identity.
Whenever you're considering any surgery, remember to do research! Check out our blog, "Love Yourself!" There we discuss where to start researching to be sure you find a Board Certified Surgeon that is right for you.
Happy Healing!